Alumni Spotlights

Welcome to the Alumni Spotlights, this is where we look back on those who have graduated from the University of Houston and have had their lives impacted by the UHMSA.


Kevin Wright

Years at the University of Houston: 2012 - 2017

Current Occupation: Reporting Specialist at IEM Inc. Disaster Recovery

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“I converted via the UH MSA and to be honest this was the most perfect environment for me to have become Muslim. I was surrounded by fellow Muslims around my age (give or take 8 years) who I could relate to well since most of us are from the same culture and have the same issues. The educational programs the MSA put on at this time were amazing as well, and there were many ways to become involved that strengthened my identity as a Muslim American.”

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

My advice would be to get involved. Go to the classes, the Jumma, get to know people, and benefit from everything the UHMSA can provide for you.”

Kevin is currently the acting president of Masjid Yaseen (Facebook). They have a women's potluck every month, and are already starting work on programs to serve the homeless in the Houston area. Sh. Salah comes every month and they are also working on establishing important Islamic education courses for the community. Masjid Yaseen is a masjid inclusive of all Muslims: Men, women, American, foreign, black, white etc that was highly influenced by the brotherhood experienced at UHMSA that is hard to replicate at other places.


Safiya Ravat

Years at the University of Houston: 2007 - 2011

Current Occupation: Female Religious Director at Maryam Islamic Center & Director of Suhbah Institute

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“I absolutely loved standing at the UH Dawah table at PGH breezeway, attempting to change peoples' misconceptions about Islam. My funniest moment, however, was the day that the barrier (we used to have a physical wall between the guys and girls in our MSA dinners) completely fell down and collapsed during a campus Iftar one night in Ramadan while I was the Ramadan Coordinator. The sheer shock on everyone's faces to see the other gender (whom they saw the moment they left the RB, anyways) was so hilarious and astonishing that it will be a day I will never forget!”

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

"You are on the Deen of your friends", choose people who bring you up, bring you closer to Allah, not those who are dragging you down and pushing you away from Him. If you have an issue, reach out to someone. Don't bottle things up and let them fester. Rasulullah (S) said "Ad Deenu Naseehah" the religion is good advice. Seek advice, seek help, find a mentor to help you along this difficult path that is the dunya. If you would like to reach out to me, I have office hours at Maryam Masjid free to the community”

Safiya and her husband (Mahad Qamar) are the directors of a new initiative in Houston called Suhbah Insitute ( They both have their bachelor's in Islamic Law (Fiqh) and are doing their master's in marriage and family therapy. Currently they are doing Pre marital training and marital enrichment programs with ISGH ( including seminars, matrimonials and couples' retreats. They are also starting their our own full time 5 month Quran and Arabic language seminar in August 2019 in Houston ( where students will understand 80% of the Quran and fundamental Islamic sciences (tafseer, seerah and Fiqh) and be equipped to teach in their communities.


Afraz Jaleel

Years at the University of Houston: 2014 - 2019

Current Occupation: Project Engineer at PinnacleART

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“Attending the campus Jummuah khutbahs. I loved seeing the sense of community and learning from the Jummah Khutbahs.”

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

Strive to make a positive change in your personal life, and in others, by learning and sharing the wisdom your religion has to offer you.”

Farah Aziz

Farah Aziz

Years at the University of Houston: 2013 - 2017

Current Occupation: Pre- K Teacher with EC-6 Certification

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“One of the things that I will cherish the most during the time I attended UHMSA was the people I met and befriended. I remember starting college with barely any Muslim friends to relate to. I met a few people and learned about the prayer places around the library, khutbahs and Jummah prayer on Fridays, and MSA programs (my favorite being Dawah Table). I became more involved in the community and had a deeper understanding and connection with my religion. These friends that I made through MSA have helped shape me into the person I am today and the person I strive to be tomorrow. ”

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

“Surround yourself with people who will make you a better person. Reach out and find ways that you can make a difference around you.“

Mustafa Asif

Mustafa Asif

Years at the University of Houston: 1997 - 2000

Current Occupation: Optician at EZ Optical

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“The brotherhood and friendships that I established even up to today“

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

“Know the true purpose of MSA while keeping the deen in your mind. Having fun while staying with in the limits and the guidelines set by Allah SWT and the Prophet S. Our main goal on campus is Dawah and also keeping ourselves away from the fitnah around us.”

Mustafa Asif currently works as an optician at EZ Optical (website link)

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Irbaz Arab

Years at the University of Houston: 2013 - 2017

Current Occupation: Completions Engineer at Marathon Oil Corporation

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“Going every Friday to pray Jummah and see everyone after a hectic week was definitely the best part of MSA. After graduating, that type of casual social gathering becomes less frequent and more planned. Seeing everyone in the same place before the weekend and then spontaneously going to the game room to play pool or get $1 ice cream is something I will always look back fondly upon.”

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

“Get as involved with a leadership position as early as you can. Don't wait until senior year because then graduation will come right as you get in the swing of things. Focus on building relationships with people since that is what will remain after you leave. This will absolutely be the best time you have for this.”

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Ahmed Sleem

Years at the University of Houston: 2013 - 2017

Current Occupation: Software Engineer at National Oilwell Varco

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“Crashing a wedding at the RB while trying to bring in the ancient MSA fridge .”

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

Make friends with the students you pray dhur and asr with. Give your parents/family or friends a hug & tell them you appreciate them

Noor Baweja

Noor Baweja

Years at the University of Houston: 2014 - 2017

Current Occupation: Graphic Design Student

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“Hanging out at the Religion Building with friends I made through MSA, making posters and banners together for Dawah Table and Showdown. The work we did together did not feel like work. Other times we went in there to just relax and talk to each other. It was a sense of familiarity and connection and emotional support that we all needed in college.”

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

“For your first time, try to erase all your perceptions of MSA, and attend as many social events as possible. It is such a welcoming organization and it's a lot of fun. Even if you are an introvert, you will inevitably end up making life-long friends.“

Noor is currently working toward her graphic design career. You can see some of her works on @theivorytree_art on Instagram

Iram Nandolia

Iram Nandolia Arab

Years at the University of Houston: 2013 - 2017

Current Occupation: Auditor at Ernst & Young

What is your fondest memory with UHMSA?:

“After my first MSA meeting as a freshman, I had completely written it off as an organization I did not belong to. I came from a high school with a total of 3 Muslims so it was a big change for me. Almost two years passed before I tried attending another event, and I was shocked at what I had let myself walk away from. The sense of community was so uplifting and encouraging, that I kept going back. That second chance I took, has made all the difference in the person I am today.”

What piece of advice would you like to give?:

“Someone once told me you can take a failed class again but you can't redo an amazing MSA event. Just kidding, don't fail your classes, but have fun! Go to all the events you can and make memories to last a life time.“